The Ylopo Reverse Lookup allows you to quickly identify potential buyers in your database that may be interested in a specific property. Each lookup is unique to a particular listing and its criteria. Once you’ve entered the property info, you can generate the report resulting in a CSV of those people.
Ways to leverage Reverse Lookup in your business:
- Show sellers, you have a list of “Active and Hot” buyers in real-time to win more listings.
- Let buyers and sellers in your database know about new listings hitting the market to give them a competitive edge.
- Notify a specific segment of your database letting them know of things like Open Houses, Coming Soon Listings, Pendings, Back on Market, etc.
Power User Tip:
When you enter the criteria of the subject property, don’t be too specific or vague. Being too specific will result in too small of a list and cause you to miss potential buyers. Leaving the criteria wide open may result in an unbelievable number of people and have you reaching out to leads that may not be interested in that particular home.
How To:
Last Review: 9/30/21 Colleen M.
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