You dove in and called the lead! Here's how to lead them in conversation and address their concerns.
Click the Play button below to hear Professor Barry's pro tips on how to approach, affirm, and close each conversation.
Let's break down just the first part of what we just covered.
Scenario: A person registers to see a property on your Ylopo website.
First, we recommend that the agent calls the lead and texts them if there is no answer. If the agent doesn't log a phone call or text the lead within a few hours, behavioral texting and RAIYA will kick in to text the lead. Your CRM should email the new lead as well.
Here are our favorite opening scripts:
- Hi! This is Mary over at Acme Real Estate. I was calling to speak with John. It looks like a few homes might have caught his eye on (Facebook/Google) and I had a question for him. Is this John?
- Hello, this is Mary over at Acme Real Estate. I was hoping to speak with John? ...Hi, John! I had a note that you saw a few homes on (Facebook or Google) and landed on my website. I was curious, out of what you just saw online, did anything stand out about them? Was there anything good/bad/ugly about what you saw?
From there, you'll want to make sure you utilize the Keys to Continuing the Conversation >>
Last Review: 9/30/21 Colleen M.
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