Overview of Dynamic Registration
How the Dynamic Registration Form Looks on the Website
A Demo of the Dynamic Registration Lead Experience
Other Questions
Dynamic Registration Tags
Dynamic Registration is a new system that allows Ylopo to very quickly create and launch different registration form experiences on a client's Home Search Website. With a few button clicks, our marketing team can change the question and/or answer options in the registration form, re-order the questions, create new question 'branches' based on the lead's responses to previous questions, and even perform A vs B tests of different versions of the registration form to see which is more performant (i.e. which of two versions creates more leads).
Registration forms are now typically organized into certain 'registration modes' that underscore the core purpose of the form. You can review the questions we ask for each of the "Modes" in this document containing the full Question Lists. These lists are subject to change and experimentation, and we will do our best to keep it updated as we make changes and perform A vs B version tests within each mode and even create new registration modes.
We currently have 4 main 'modes' that we're experimenting with:
Seller Mode
The focus for Seller Mode is to ask home-buying oriented questions, but ask the lead during this flow if they need to sell an existing property before they buy a new property. If they answer yes to that question, the lead will go down a 'question branch' where we try to collect the address of the sale property from the lead. We do not collect this address if they say "no" to the "do you need to sell" question. Leads that sign up on this form show up in the CRM as dynamic_reg_address.
Buyer Mode
Essentially the same as Seller Mode, but we do not ask the "do you need to sell" question and do not have a 'branch' that asks for the property address. Leads that sign up on this form show up in the CRM as dynamic_reg_buyer.
Metro Buyer / Metro Seller Mode
Identical to Buyer and Seller Mode above with one exception: the first question re: price is higher to reflect urban markets that do not typically have properties available for less than $300,000. Leads that sign up on these forms have the same CRM tags as the other core forms (_buyer or _address) for the moment.
Other changes
We have also modified the advertising campaigns that lead to the Home Search Websites and these new registration forms, such that the form immediately appears when the user clicks on the ad, instead of allowing them to look at a few properties before registering. This means that the Home Search Website experience is now "locked" behind a successful registration. There is also no longer an "X" button on the registration form that would allow a lead to bypass registration and immediately perform searches.
How does this form actually look on a Home Search website?
Initial overlay appears with the following question:
The lead will then answer several questions (using a similar format as the first question) asking about desired home attributes. After a few of these questions, in the Seller Mode form specifically we ask this question, which is our primary 'question branch' - if they answer No, we will not display the same Address collection question that we display if they answer Yes:
The lead will then be asked to provide 3-4 pieces of contact details/personal information. Typically, this is Name, Phone and Email, and in the case of the Seller Mode, we also ask for Address as the final step if they self-identified as a seller:
Can you show me a quick demo video of what this actually looks like to a lead?
Other Questions
Why are we doing this?
Our initial objective was to provide a tool that would allow for far more flexibility and experimentation in our registration process, with the aim of increasing lead generation volume, amount of data attached to the lead, and over-all lead quality. Making changes to our previous registration form required our engineering team to "hand craft" the changes in the website's code, which is a time consuming process. The new system allows the Marketing team to make quick changes to a client's lead registration form without touching the website code, which also means there is essentially no engineering effort required to make these modifications.
We chose Seller Mode as an initial focus area because there was high demand for seller leads, and Seller PPC was a far different experience from Buyer PPC, often with less general volume of leads available to a client.
We wanted to see if our new flexible tool could allow us to experiment with a form that could generate Seller leads using higher volume Buyer PPC ad campaigns at a 1:4 seller:buyer ratio.
What should a new user of this system expect?
So far, we are hitting close to that goal with around ~20-25% of these Buyer PPC leads going through the dynamic registration process self-identifying as needing to sell a property lead. The leads also provide much more data to the client in the registration process, answering ~15 questions (home preferences and contact details) versus the previous ~4 questions in the previous registration flow. This new system also comes with an ~4-5% increase in registration rate over the previous registration process and ad campaigns.
We believe these positive result is due to a few key factors:
- the "locking down" of the Home Search experience so you must register to use the system (which was discovered to be highly effective during A vs B version testing)
- re-orienting the questions to place the collection of contact details at the end rather than at the beginning of the registration form
- the new front-loading of home preference questions (bed and bath count, preferred price range, etc.) giving the user the perception of a "customized search experience"
- the number of up-front questions creating a "sunk cost" for the lead, such that if they spent time answering many questions, they will feel compelled to give us their contact details when we ask for them at the end of the flow
- very refined and targeted question text that we've been able to improve through A vs B testing
Are other modes planned? What about custom question sets?
We do plan to experiment with new, targeted registration modes, such as even more segmented Metro forms with several different price ranges, a VA buyer-oriented form, and other targeted form types. We also plan to continue to experiment with the existing modes to boost our registration rates further and continue to increase lead quality and refine + improve the lead data we are delivering to the client. We do not have any specific ETA on these new Modes or experiments.
We also plan to support completely custom per-client registration experiences for Level 3 clients and above. This will allow Level 3+ clients to make hyper-specific edits to the form in any supportable method that is desired, including custom questions, branding/logos and phone numbers.
If there is interest in a specific new "mode" or custom form whether already planned or not, please submit feedback to the Marketing or Product team.
Dynamic Registration Tags
- Dynamic_Reg
- USE_HOME_EQUIRTY= I Don't Own a Home
- DO_YOU_OWN_A_HOME= I Don't Own a Home
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