Homebot provides your consumers with in-depth data regarding their market, the estimated value of their home, options for what they can do with the equity in their home, and more. It's an incredibly powerful tool for your seller leads!
Check out the video and/or screenshots below to see exactly what resources Ylopo provides for your sellers and how Homebot fits into the Seller Suite.
Video Walkthrough
This video will take you through our seller lead generation, seller suite, and Homebot.
You can also scroll down to see timestamps for exactly the topic you'd like to learn about.
00:00 - Better Email Nurture for your seller leads
01:13 - Current Ylopo Seller Suite
01:26 - Seller Email Alerts
02:22 - Dynamic Remarking
04:40 - Review current seller leads
05:29 - Why the current seller toolkit is effective
06:58 - Why Homebot is effective
08:42 - Why this combination is unbeatable
12:54 - Introducing the Ylopo-Homebot Integration
12:58 - What the seller email alert looks like
14:08 - What the Homebot experience looks like
14:09 - Estimated Home Valuation
14:42 - Mortgage Data
15:22 - Refinance options
16:00 - Other investment opportunities
18:00- Lead Notifications
21:42 - Updates to remarking
22:33 - Superior Lead Generation
26:19 - TCPA Consent/Compliance
27:53 - Why is this a big deal
30:30 - Barry’s Bombbomb Homebot video strategy
32:51 - New seller lead generation release date
33:55 - What data you CAN’T import
35:35 - How do I explain Homebot to my seller?
38:25 - Is this available in Canada?
39:37 - Why lender partners love this integration
42:41 - V2.0 updates
43:41 - Auto import of seller leads from other sources
Step by Step Walkthrough
- We immediately email sellers a homeowner nurture email, we send these weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly
- When a homeowner clicks on the Homebot graphic, they will immediately see the value of their home with a highly accurate Automated Valuation Model (AVM). In addition, they see the actual worth of their home based on mortgage data on this property.
- Consumers see how much they have paid to principal and interest
- Consumers see how changing their mortgage directly impacts savings
- Further data on ways to save on their mortgage
- If the consumer bought another home, how much could they spend across several categories
- If the consumer rented their house how much they could be making
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Last Updated 05/15/23 by Rem M.
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