Designed for longer-term buyers! Please note that information in parentheses or brackets must be added before these templates are complete!
14 Days After Adding - Email #1
Subject Line - I know we just met, but
Body - Hi, (lead name)! I know you’re early on in the buying process and I want to help you as much as possible so that when you’re ready you’re also prepared. I’ll be sending some info I’m curating to help educate you on some important topics. Here’s an infographic I’ve put together on obtaining mortgage approval. Let me know what you think!
21 Days Later - Email #2
Subject Line - Are you too slow?
Body - Hope you’re well, (Lead Name!)
Here we go again, some more information. Just like I promised. This one’s on understanding how long the purchase process takes. You don’t want to move too fast OR too Slow! Here is an article on the subject. Let me know what you think!
19 Days Later - Email #3
Subject Line - I’m sorry about this.
Body - I wanted to apologize for not asking this sooner but have you had a lender review your credit
recently? I’m not talking about “Do it yourself” companies like Credit Karma or Credit Sesame, their reporting is much different than what a Mortgage Banker does. It’s helpful to get their opinion early on in the process.
I can make an intro to someone if you don’t already have a relationship with a lender? Again, I know you aren’t buying for a while but don’t want you to rush things either
Let me know!
24 days Later - Email #4
Subject Line - 😳 My First Question When Buying a home!
Body - Closing Costs..What are they you ask? This is a VERY important subject. Here is an infographic I’ve curated to help guide you :)
Hope this helps!
18 Days Later - Email #5
Subject Line - Have you looked into Foreclosures?
Body - Are you interested in getting a good deal on a home?
I’m always looking for a good deal for me and my clients. Did you know, there are some foreclosures that you can receive government-backed mortgages to buy & renovate to your liking. It’s an amazing program. If you’d like info, I can get you in touch with someone.
Hope you’re doing well!
31 Days Later - Email #6
Subject Line - You’ll probably make one of these mistakes
Body - After helping out so many different people buy and sell homes I realized how many problems can arise throughout the life of a transaction! I wanted to help my clients, so I wrote this list of mistakes that many first time buyers make and I also thought of you.
Not because you’ve made any of these mistakes but we haven’t spoken recently….have your plans changed at all?
18 Days Later - Email #7
Subject Line - I got something for you and it’s not spam...I promise.
Body - Would you like a market report to see what’s going on in the local market? Remember, information is power! Let me know and I can send something your way :)
7 Days Later - Email #8
Subject Line - ☕️ Do you drink Coffee?
Body - I just had a thought: That market report I emailed you about last week? What if we met over coffee either at my office or a coffee shop to review the market? I am big on education and want to discuss your plans and dreams! No pressure! Just want to help :)
20 Days Later - Email #9
Subject Line - I have a list of Hot Homes and Open Houses for this weekend
Body - Every week I put a list of “Hot Homes” and open houses together for my clients that are looking for homes. Do you want me to email you the list or text it to you?
30 Days Later - Email #10
Subject Line - Did I Lose You?
Body - Sometimes I make mistakes, have I been sending you all the wrong homes?
10 Days Later - Email #11
Subject Line - (First Name) Are you there?
Body - I sent you an email a few days ago😃. Are you still looking to buy a home sometime in the next 12 months because I want to know what to send your way.
Last Review: 8/1/21 Colleen M.
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