Although we do our best to filter out invalid leads, our systems are not always able to tell if an email address or phone number is currently active, or belongs to the individual who registered on your website. However, if this is a persistent concern, please let us know and we can make changes to your marketing to help with this!
We have also released a new feature to help tackle incorrect lead phone numbers for those leads already in your database. Whether Ylopo generated the leads or they came from other sources, any lead marked with a bad phone number will now be prompted to update it any time they visit your Home Search Site.
How to indicate a "bad" phone number from Stars:
For most clients, you will want to do so from within Stars. For Follow Up Boss, LionDesk, Firepoint, and Sierra users, you can do this from within your CRM, see below.
How to indicate a "bad" phone number from your CRM:
TAG those leads with "BAD_PHONE", "BAD_NUMBER" or "BAD_PHONE_NUMBER" (not case sensitive). You can also use any CRM-specific bad phone number tool that exists within the CRM. Check with your provider for details.
What happens to leads "bad phone number" leads:
Leads with the above tags and those that are marked from Stars, upon visiting the Home Search Site, will be presented with a prompt requesting a valid phone number:
We will verify the new number and will alert them if the have entered another invalid number:
Priority Notifications:
Once a lead has updated a phone number, you will receive a Priority Notification (via email and text) alerting you that the number has been updated.
Example Text Message Priority Notification:
"Your lead NAME gave a new phone number via our Bad Number Prompt! Contact ASAP at {555-555-5555}"
For LionDesk Clients: When you receive a Priority Notification, manually update the lead's phone number with the NEW number included in the notification (this will be automated with Follow Up Boss).
For Follow Up Boss Clients: When you receive a Priority Notification, un-mark the 'Bad Number' checkbox (we are not able to do this automatically).
All clients who receive a Bad Number Priority Notification should reach out by call/text!
Last Review: 9/16/21 Colleen M.
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