We get a lot of requests on how to track leads you've generated yourself from Facebook, Google, Instagram, etc. We've just released a new URL variable that will generate a custom tag in your CRM!
The new URL variable is: utm_term=
This variable when added to the URL string (ex. search.ylopo.com?utm_term=luxury) will apply a custom TAG in your CRM that you can use to identify leads you've generated and also be used to ROUTE leads to the correct person or team.
If you want to apply multiple tags just use a comma (ex. utm_term=luxury,selfgenerated)
How you might use this?
Let's say you run your own Facebook or pay-per-click (PPC) ad and you want to track it differently than Ylopo. It could even be a Facebook post. The link you would use for the post could include a tag of 123mainstreet (ex. search.ylopo.com?utm_term=123mainstreet), and any lead that clicked on that link and registered would show up in your CRM with a tag of "123MAINSTREET"
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at support@ylopo.com!
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