For specific questions or concerns, please reach out to your Client Success Manager or email:
More best practices can be found here: Best Practices For Taking Incoming AI Voice Calls
You may also visit our Support Center Page for AI Voice
How much does AI Voice cost?
There is a nonrefundable, one-time setup fee of $250 which will be charged shortly after we receive your filled out form submission.
For the monthly cost, please refer to the table below.
Levels Tech Plus Starter Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7
AI Text $150 $150 $250 $450 $650 $850 $1,050 $1,250 $1,450
AI Voice $250 $250 $250 $450 $650 $850 $1,050 $1,250 $1,450
(To add AI Voice, AI Text (Automated ISA) must also be active. Cannot add just AI Voice.)
Is AI Voice available in Canada?
Yes, clients in the US and Canada can sign up for AI Voice.
Why do I have to have both AI Text and AI Voice?
AI Voice will, in the near future, be synced with AI Texting as part of our omni channel integration (where home search, email, texting and voice are all integrated together). As an example, when a lead texts with AI and gets to an interested state, we will immediately call with AI Voice. We've seen this dramatically increase appointment rate and believe this combination will drive better results.
Why has Ylopo made this so inexpensive compared to other alternatives?
We have always stood by the belief that the follow-up is the most important part of a leads journey, particularly in the beginning! For that reason, we have made this a low cost alternative to other options out there, to prove that the correct follow up is a vital part of successful lead conversion!
Will there be a package deal to have both AI Voice and texting?
AI Voice and AI Text are both a great affordable price, with AI Voice being available to Starter and above, with Starter starting at $250 For AI Text and $250 For AI Voice. This cost still calculates to less than the industry standard cost! This means that you can have $1000 PPC, $1000 social leads, $1200 Direct Connect, and still only pay that same cost for the two. It does not increase if you decide to max out your budgets on level 1, vs only using one channel.
I have a lender partner. Should they be contributing to the cost of AI Voice too?
We will leave that decision up to you and your lender partner. The AI Voice signup form has questions pertaining to this and you can let us know whether your lender is contributing and how much.
How will your follow up be any different than other companies I have used?
One of the biggest issues with the follow up that we see, is lack of organic conversations and communications with leads. The most common approach is to reach out with a corporate feeling that many leads do not respond to. The leads have the opportunity to go to a big corporation if they choose. But instead they choose to go through the lead form from your brand, perhaps hoping for a differentiated and organic approach. Understanding that fact is one of the many key points in being successful with lead communications, and providing value. Something other companies fail to successfully execute.
What Ylopo leads can be called by AI Voice?
Currently, AI Voice is able to call leads from these Ylopo sources: Facebook Buyer, Facebook Seller, PPC Buyer and Direct Connect. During setup, you will have to specify which of these sources you want AI Voice to call and our AI Voice Implementation Team will configure your settings to call only those leads.
What phone number shows up in the agent’s caller ID when a call is transferred?
For teams, the FUB number will appear in the agent’s caller ID. For a single agent, it will show the lead’s phone number.
Is there a set phone number from outbound AI Voice calls by team?
The number is rotated in order to prevent it from being flagged and showing up as "Spam Likely" on the consumer's phone. However, the phone numbers that are generated are local to the agent's area. For example, for an agent in Torrance, CA, their leads would likely see phone numbers with the (310) or (424) area code when their phones were dialed.
When a lead calls AI Voice back, where does the call go?
The AI Voice call center.
When AI Voice calls, does she leave a VM?
Not every time, only certain times depending on response and results. Only live agents leave a voicemail.
Will I be able to review the calls made by the call center?
NO - Due to privacy laws, calls made by the call center will not be available for review, but call notes and call recordings between the lead and the realtor will be available in Follow Up Boss.
Does AI Voice call on holidays?
AI Voice won't call on the following holidays:
July 4 - Independence Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
New Year's Day
What are the AI Voice Call Center Calling Hours?
US and Canada hours below:
US AI Voice Calling Window
Mon-Sat 8AM-8PM
Sun 9AM-8PM
Canada AI Voice Calling Window
Mon-Fri 9AM-8PM
Sat-Sun 10AM-6PM
How does AI Voice Transfer know who picks up the call and claims lead?
We determine the agent to assign the lead to because we can see in the FUB records who that lead spoke with. We look up that information by referencing the lead's phone number then (since the number we dial is actually a FUB number), FUB is able to tell us which agent answered.
What happens if I had a Ylopo Lead source enabled for the call center, but then I turned it off?
- When the lead source is enabled, all new leads from that source will be eligible for the call center.
- When the lead source gets turned off, all new leads AND existing leads will stop getting phone calls. For example, a lead who was on call cadence #3 will stop getting future calls even if they didn’t finish the 90 day cadence.
- For any leads which were generated while the call center was turned off for a particular source, when the service gets turned back on again, those previously generated leads will not be called. Only leads who had made it into the call center prior to call center turning off, will reactivate when service turns back on.
How long does it take for the system to recognize the call center is disabled for a particular source or party?
It’s pretty much right away to stop new leads from going to the call center. It will be variable timing for when existing leads in the call center stops getting calls.
How will I find leads that are being worked on by AI Voice?
You may use the smart list called “Leads in the call center cadence” which can be found in Best Practice Lists. You may also create custom smart lists using the different disposition tags as needed. We also encourage you to attend the AI Voice Office Hours hosted by our Realtors-in-Residence to learn best practices.
Why can’t AI work our database leads?
AI Voice cant work the database leads just yet because it comes down to compliance. The FCC still regulates AI as a Robo call because there is no designation for it yet as its too new of a technology. And the leads did not agree to have Robo calls that are in your database. So we are working through compliance now to make sure that we either get their agreement from a policy update, or find another work around. But this is actively being worked, and set to be launched within 2024.
Can AI Voice reach out to priority leads?
Yes, but only the Ylopo leads that trigger priority alerts. Priority leads from non-Ylopo sources will not be called by AI Voice.
Does AI Voice call leads generated by listing rockets?
Yes, AI Voice call leads generated by listing rockets.
What happens if an old lead triggers a Priority Notification? Will those leads get called by AI Voice?
NO- old leads will not be called as they were not generated when AI Voice was turned on. Agents are still responsible for contacting those priority alerts. Agents can, and should also work in conjunction with AI Voice to follow up with leads.
Can you move agents in and out of AI Voice ponds?
Yes, through FUB.
Are there specific settings for our agents in the INBOX for AI Voice?
Make sure they have to press 1 to accept the call in the FUB configurations.
Will someone still get the AI Text engagement notifications even if the lead is still in the AI Voice pond and is not assigned to an agent yet?
Yes, AI Text should use the pond lead's name as the name of the assigned agent when communicating with the lead. It's just like in AI Voice, it calls the leads that are assigned to the agent marked as 'allowed' which is the 'pond lead'. If the client is using "Team Name" for their AI Text, it will introduce itself as the assistance of the client's "Team Name" still.
Can I have more than 1 inbox and pond on 1 license?
No. AI Voice can only transfer calls to 1 FUB Inbox (Number).
If I have multiple licenses with Ylopo within Follow Up Boss, what do the Pond and Inbox look like?
2 or more licenses will have their own team inbox and pond. The team inbox will be named AI-Ylopo Call Center + State. Each inbox will then have its own phone number. The pond members should be identical to the AI Voice Team Inbox members.
Can I have more than 1 inbox and pond on multiple licenses?
Yes, it is recommended for each license to have a separate inbox and pond. This will ensure that when AI Voice calls, it will be easily determined where the lead is coming from.
Do you have more conversations with AI Voice vs. text?
You'll always have more conversations via text, but seeing an increase in appointments coming from phone vs. text. Elevating leads from registration to text (AI) then to phone (AI Voice) then to in-person to build trust.
What is AI Voice's initial connection rates?
13% - you'll start to see an increase in connections over time because of the nurturing call cadence
How do you coach your agents on claiming leads from the pond?
Tell your agents not to claim them unless you have an appointment with them. You can call out of the pond, but don't take them unless you have made an appointment with them. Don't move them out then back in.
Can a lead be re-worked after final disposition?
No, once a lead hits final disposition, they cannot go back into the call center.
How does "Jesse" with AI Voice introduce itself to leads?
"Jesse, digital assistant with (realty)."
"Jesse, with the (team) at (realty)"
More best practices can be found here: Best Practices For Taking Incoming AI Voice Calls
You may also visit our Support Center page on AI Voice
For questions or concerns, please reach out to your Client Success Manager or email:
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